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MammaBear Expresses A Close-At-Heart Single, ‘Hailey’

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MammaBear, an antithesis of the antiquated stereotype “sex, drugs, and rock and roll,” is a brass knuckled indie rock misfit who doesn’t need to lift a fist to fight the good fight. On his twenty-twenty-one August 16th release of ‘Hailey’ (“I dream of you/Do you dream of me?/When we were young/we used to sing.” — he claimed it was “something of a love song, but it goes much deeper than that.”

Kyle Gordon, now known as the honey drip moniker of MammaBear, is a lovable heart attack from the Atlanta, Georgia music scene. Introducing a share of himself, Gordon started the namesake “MammaBear Project” a prior of 10 years after recording records with various bands. He formed as the head songwriter for three different rock groups, KillGordon, Ski Club, and Young Orchids, but each member only lasted two years before disbanding from one another. “I was sick to death of starting at the beginning again and again,” says MammaBear, “So I decided to create MammaBear as a way of recording and performing my songs without a co-writer, without anyone else that may lose interest or leave, causing me to start over yet again.”

The song, Hailey, a close-at-heart addition to his upcoming 4th studio album, ‘Free Radical,’ is about growing and evolving. A double entendre could be exploited with eyes that see and ears that hear, but the true story surrounding the song are the moments we’ve strung along in our youth. A repentant timeline of memories where selfishness took ruin when we should have been more loving to the people that loved us. “The song isn’t really about anyone in general,” MammaBear states. “It’s about doing good after much bad has been done. It’s about the concern for the later half of one’s life and the appreciation of what came before.”

Rebellious punk for romanticism, the most daring thing MammaBear has ever done was propose on one knee and ask the woman, the mother of his children to marry him. Cementing their trust in one another in the name of love ‘till death do them part.



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